Rianti Bieler

  • Container Deposits – Coke up to its old tricks

    Container Deposits – Coke up to its old tricks

    As Victoria and Tasmania move to implement container deposit systems (CDS) Coke and Lion have been pouring money into a campaign to get the design they want.  It’s based on the inconvenient setup in Qld which means beverage companies get to keep unredeemed consumer refunds increasing their profits, compared to the NSW approach.  The scale of misinformation propagated by Coke and Lion is staggering.  They have misled some charities and recruited them to their cause.

    Nevertheless the Tasmanian government has outright rejected their position with the Environment Minister supporting to the NSW design, “The chosen model, a split responsibility Container Refund Scheme, will bring together the beverage industry and the waste and recycling sectors to deliver the best scheme for Tasmania. The split responsibility model, which is already operating in NSW and ACT and being developed in Victoria, involves a Scheme Coordinator who will run the administration and finance for the scheme, while a separate Network Operator runs the network of Refund Points.’’

    In a late manoeuvre the CEO of Coca Cola Amatil indicated they would now support this model.  The state is now preparing legislation and will call for tenders for the two key managing entities.

    Victoria will soon move to the next stages.  However despite the Tas concession, Coke and Lion are still funding full page adverts and lobbying local councils and charities for their alternative. We are responding vigorously.  Already over 50 groups have shown support and more than 51,000 people have signed our change.org petition.


    Back to March 2021 Newsletter page >>

  • Boomerang Alliance Newsletter - December 2020

    December 2020

    In a year dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the consequences was the alarming rise in the use of single-use plastic products. Some for very good health and safety reasons, and some as a result of panic and misconceptions that somehow single-use plastic packaging was safer against the spread of the virus. There is no evidence that this is the case.

    The American Journal of Science reported that the pandemic led to over 139 billion face masks and 61 billion plastic gloves being used (to Sept 2020). Of great concern was that non-medical plastic waste had increased by over 30%. It was something we directly witnessed as many cafes switched to takeaway services only and stopped accepting BYO cups. Now, according to UN reports (UNCTAD July 2020) historically that means at least 75% of that plastic will go directly to tips, landfills or into the sea. 2020 is set to be a disaster for marine plastic pollution and waste.

    What all this exposes is that we are simply unprepared to deal with the plastic pollution problem that is being continually generated. The lesson has to be learnt that we must eliminate where we can any single use plastics, and where it does serve a purpose, manage it so that it is not wasted or littered.

    In Australia, amidst all this bad news, there is some cause for optimism for the future.

    National Action
    The Commonwealth Government introduced a Recycling and Waste Bill that banned the export of glass, mixed plastics, used tyres and paper and cardboard. These discarded products were being exported for so-called and questionable ‘recycling’ overseas. These products will now have to be recycled domestically, a far better option.

    A National Waste Plan with the states and territories is now in place with non-mandatory targets to increase recycled content in new products, halve waste going to landfill and phase-out problematic and unnecessary plastics by 2025.

    Plastic Bans
    At a state level, South Australia has passed legislation to ban certain takeaway plastic items with Queensland, the ACT and Western Australia set to follow in 2021. We are now waiting on NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and the NT to catch up. (See campaign updates below for more detailed information)

    Victoria and Tasmania look set to introduce container deposit schemes for bottles and cans in 2022/3, something that will mean Australia will become the first continent to have a container refund available to every citizen.

    So, as we write, the stage is now set for some significant changes in 2021. We know that COVID-safe is an essential message for all of us. We want to make plastic-free an equally important outcome.


    The Boomerang Alliance Zero Plastic Pollution campaign will be taking off in 2021. Its key goals are:

    • To have an Australian Product Stewardship scheme for Packaging, including labelling that means if its marked reusable, compostable or recyclable it will be reused, composted or recycled, in practice.
    • Ensure all our governments are reducing wastes, increasing recycling and phasing-out problem single use plastics in 2021.
    • To Cut the Wrap making all retailers get rid of unnecessary and problem plastic packaging.
    • To promote the switch to reusable products starting with takeaway, retail, events and places of work.
    • To bring a culture of Plastic Free Places to every community.

    See our website for further details

    Please support this essential Zero Plastic Pollution campaign by making a tax-deductible donation.



    Our objective is to have all states implement bans on single use items in 2021. Find out which state has passed its plastic legislation and which ones are lagging behind!


    Working in communities to eliminate single-use takeaway plastic at the source, our program is active in 5 communities across Australia (Adelaide, Byron, Perth, Cairns & Townsville), and has eliminated over 6 million pieces of single-use plastic!


    After many years of pressure to stop the exports of collected waste materials to nations in Asia, the Commonwealth Government has passed a law stopping the practice.


    As the last mainland state in Australia to introduce a container deposit scheme (CDS), Victoria has an opportunity to make a real difference. Its CDS could be the most efficient, effective & ethical in the country - but only if it's designed right.


    Three states (SA, Qld, WA) and the ACT are moving on plastic pollution with legislation – while NSW is on the slow track. It has not targeted takeaway plastics like foodware, nor put plans in place to address single use plastics from various retail, business, agriculture and marine sectors.


    Many supporters contact Boomerang Alliance at this time of year seeking green ideas for Christmas. This year we have put our focus on gifts that can help you, your family and friends go plastic-free.


    After a great deal of initial advice to cafes to refuse BYO cups from their customers, Boomerang Alliance campaigned to change this backward step. Thanks to considerable backing from our supporters, the general public and latterly from the Restaurant and Catering Association we were able to restore some sanity. Most jurisdictions in Australia (except Queensland) have confirmed that the use of BYO cups is allowed, particularly through a contactless pour arrangement.

    One positive outcome of this has been a greater understanding and appreciation of reusable practices. More and more people-and let’s make this common place-are getting into the habit of using their own cup for tea or coffee at their local café.

    We plan and encourage everyone to extend that practice to other takeaway products such as takeaway food containers. Reusable drinks and food networks are gaining more and more interest now. These usually work by providing returnable containers that can be used at any of a network of cafes or food outlets. Check out Green Caffeen or Returnr.



    With recognition that marine plastic pollution is a global problem, a number of nations are now pushing for an International Treaty to address marine plastics. To date more than two thirds of UN member nations have indicated support for such a treaty.

    We are unaware about the Australian Government position, although given the statements by the Prime Minister at the UN and more recently at the G20 meeting, we assume Australia will support a treaty. A better option would be for Australia to take a lead and co-sponsor an international marine plastics treaty.



    The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation is developing an ANZUS (Australia, NZ and Pacific) Plastic Pact. The Pact is part of a new global program initiated by the Ellen Macarthur Foundation. it aims to have 70% of all plastic packaging either composted or recycled by 2025. APCO hope to have all their packaging manufacturer members join up.

    Boomerang Alliance has provided our advice to APCO and we are now working to pressure key stakeholders to achieve this outcome

    We would not have been able to do all these works without our supporters. Please donate so we can continue our fight against plastic pollution.


  • DECIDING MOMENT: Stop the biggest plastic polluters from controlling Victoria’s litter solution

    The Victorian Government is about to begin final planning for  the state’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). The big beverage polluters – Coke and Lion are campaigning to take over the scheme.  We are at a critical moment that’ll determine the fate of the state’s waste and litter problem. 

    The bottlers dominate Queensland’s CDS and as a result, it’s a very inefficient program riddled with problems including restricted hours of operation and limited and many inadequate collection points failing to support our communities, recycling and the environment.

    The result? Unclaimed consumer refunds are being kept by the beverage companies; and higher costs to the consumer.

    We need your help to let the Victorian government know that this is an unacceptable model.

    A short email (see below) to key MPs' could make the different. Let the Victorian government know that our community expects a CDS that effectively tackles that state’s waste and litter crisis.



    You can edit the email subject and add/amend the message. It's best to adapt our template to include your own words and ideas. Personalised letters are always more persuasive. Briefly introduce yourself by sharing a sentence about who you are and why you care. Your own views and experiences are powerful talking points. Giving your residential address in your signature will also add to your credibility but this is not compulsory.

    This message will be sent to: 


  • published Thank You - VIC CDS Letter to MPs 2021-02-16 10:17:58 +1100

    Thank you!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to email the Premier, Ministers and key MPs in support of the Split Responsibility Model for Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme, it really makes a difference! Please share the page with your friends and family, we need as many voices as possible.




    JOIN over 50,000 Victorians who've already signed the petition opposing CDS management by large beverage companies.

  • published Thank you for your endorsement 2021-02-08 09:37:16 +1100

  • Will your organisation support the most effective CDS model?

    UPDATE: 14 April 2021

    GREAT NEWS: Victoria announces ‘Split Responsibility Model’ Container Deposit Scheme

    We did it!!!

    We are thrilled to inform you that the Victorian government has today confirmed their choice of a “split responsibility” Container Deposit Scheme.

    They’ve listened to the community and rejected the disinformation campaign by the big bottlers, Coke and Lion and their lobby group VicRecyle.

    Our research into the various types of schemes here in Australia and overseas shows that the chosen ‘’split responsibility’’ model (Coordinator and Network Operators) is best practise.

    It sets up the right allocation of responsibilities so that the system can grow, be accountable, accessible and deliver multiple benefits for decades. It’s based on the NSW approach where there has been very significant involvement of charities and small businesses; billions of drink containers returned; and very accessible refund points.

    We’ve been campaigning for Australia to be entirely covered by container deposit schemes and today’s announcement fully achieves this. In fact Australia is the first continent on the planet to do this. There will be remarkable environmental, employment, recycling and charity benefits.

    Today’s announcement is the result of an incredible community effort with 117 organisations signing our open letter and over 51 000 Victorians signing our petition in support of a split responsibly model.

    A big thank you - this would not have happened without your ongoing support!



    Hundreds of community groups, charities and non profit organisations around Victoria have added their name to the 'Cash for Containers' campaign and were instrumental in obtaining our Government's commitment to introducing a Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) in 2023.

    The Victorian Government is now deciding on the CDS model – a crucial step that will determine how effective our CDS will be. We must choose a model that minimises litter and maximises benefits for Victoria.

    Sign on today to endorse the most effective CDS model and help make Victoria litter free.

    Based on global best practice and lessons learned in other states, we are pushing for a 'split responsibility model'. This model has benefits for the entire community, economy and environment. Read more about our preferred model and its advantages and download the fact sheet.

    Whether you are a local community group, a student organisation, a school, a major environmental NGO, a small business, sporting club or any other group, we need your support to ensure an effective CDS.

    We have drafted the following open letter. Adding your 'signature' is easy! Simply fill in the endorsement form on the right to let us know you want a best practice model. You are also welcome to submit your logo on the form.

    Not part of any organisation? You can still support us and join 50,000 other Victorians by signing our Change.org petition.

    *Note - Your organisation's name and logo will only be displayed on materials associated with this open letter and not be used for other purposes without prior consent. By signing the endorsement, you agree to receive future campaign updates from Boomerang Alliance.





    We, the undersigned, urge you to implement a best practice Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) model that will successfully address Victoria's waste and litter problem. Specifically, we support that this is designed along the lines of the proposed 'Split Responsibility CDS Model'.

    Victoria will be the last state to introduce a CDS. This puts Victoria in an enviable position to be able to learn from others and choose best practice. The split responsibility model has proven to be the most effective in growing recycling and slashing the amount of container litter polluting parks, streets, rivers and oceans.

    Split models have also proven to provide maximum convenience and equal access for community members, create more jobs in recycling and provide valuable sources of income for charities, community groups and individuals interested in collecting cans and bottles.

    Once established, new infrastructure and management is hard to change, so it’s best to get the fundamentals right at the start.

    Over 50,000 Victorians have already signed the petition opposing CDS management by large beverage companies.

    Our organisations are joining the Victorian community in supporting the adoption of an effective split responsibility model.




  • published Battle for the best recycling in Latest News 2021-01-25 11:57:57 +1100

    Battle for the best recycling

    Stand up for the top scheme, not the one corporations want, says Jeff Angel.

    Read more

  • published Qld CDS operator under legal pressure in Latest News 2021-01-19 10:53:03 +1100

    Qld CDS operator under legal pressure

    The operator of the Qld 10c Refund Scheme for drink bottles and cans Container Exchange, is being sued for up to $19.5million, according to its recent Annual Financial Report.

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  • published Recycling Plastic Waste in Latest News 2021-01-11 15:24:39 +1100

    Recycling Plastic Waste

    Where does plastic recycling stand in Australia now? Have we become complacent during the days and months of Covid? Are we merely wasting our time sorting out the bins, or is the cause worth making a little extra effort? Indira Naidoo from ABC Nightlife discussed plastic waste and recycling with Amy Westnedge from Wastewise on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria and Jeff Angel, the Boomerang Alliance director.

    Read more

  • Give the gift of Plastic-Free this Christmas

    Many supporters contact Boomerang Alliance at this time of year seeking green ideas for Christmas. This year we have put our focus on gifts that can help you, your family and friends go plastic-free. We've chosen small, less expensive gifts  that help avoid single-use plastics when shopping, buying takeaway, at home or out-and-about.

    Check out our plastic-free gift guide that features our top ten gift picks.

    Read more

  • Thank you for taking action!

    Thank you for sending a message to the Environment Minister to act now on plastic pollution. Your support is very much appreciated and it makes a difference!

  • published NSW - Act Now on Plastic Pollution in Campaigns 2020-11-23 11:04:18 +1100

    NSW - Act Now on Plastic Pollution!

    UPDATE - 3 May 2021

    Download the Boomerang Alliance submission to the NSW Greens Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Plastic Reduction) Bill 2021




    South Australia has passed a law banning polluting single use plastic items; so too Queensland and the ACT; and WA and Victoria have announced plans to act.  Why not NSW?

    As the biggest state we produce a lot of plastic litter that reaches the ocean, killing and harming marine life and poisoning the food chain; and contaminating the land and air.  Tens of thousands of tonnes are also dumped in landfill. NSW released a ‘’discussion paper’’ over a year ago full of good ideas – but still no action.  Just like its ongoing failure to ban lightweight plastic bags! (every other state has banned them).

    Boomerang Alliance has submitted a comprehensive policy to the Environment Minister that will lead to a major drop in plastic pollution and grow recycling.

    But we need to break through the inertia in the NSW Government. 

    We need it to take concrete action, NOW.  And we need your help.

    • By signing the letter below to the Premier & Environment Minister, your voice will heard.

    • Use the images below to share this page on your social media (right click and save image)


    It’s going to take a big push and if you can, please make a generous donation.



    You can edit the email subject and add/amend the message. Your email will be sent directly to The Hon. Matt Kean and NSW Premier.


  • Have your say on the design of Victoria's container deposit scheme

    At last the Victorian Government is proceeding with a container deposit scheme! They are seeking your views on key elements. Importantly they have endorsed the 'split governance' approach which we have been advocating. This stops the big beverage companies managing all the collection points and creating a system that won't achieve the best recycling and environmental outcomes. Coke and Lion Drinks are mounting a major campaign to overturn the decision. 





    There are three things you can do:


      We need to tell the Victorian government that it should be managed by people who are solely focused on maximising the amount of recycling and minimising litter and waste.

      >> Please sign this petition


      We have created a document with suggested answers to help you fill in the questions on the long survey website. Please feel free to amend the answers or add your own thoughts.

      >> Download the suggested answers document 


      We have created a submission template that you can copy/paste on the submission website. Please feel free to amend the text or add your own thoughts. You also have the option to upload your submission.

      >> Download the submission template



    Boomerang Alliance is actively campaigning for Zero Plastic Pollution


    • To transition to a zero-waste society by leveraging strategic opportunities to drive best practice resource efficiency, recovery and recycling.

    • To eliminate unnecessary and problematic single use plastics from use.

    • To cut 70% of Australia’s contribution to plastic pollution entering the oceans (before 2025).


    1. Policies for Action
    2. Plastic Free Places
    3. Cut the Wrap
    4. Cash for Containers
    5. Reusable Containers

    We would not have been able to do all these works without your support. Please consider making a donation so we can continue our fight against plastic pollution.

  • UPDATE: 14 April 2021

    GREAT NEWS: Victoria announces ‘Split Responsibility Model’ Container Deposit Scheme

    We did it!!!

    We are thrilled to inform you that the Victorian government has today confirmed their choice of a “split responsibility” Container Deposit Scheme.

    They’ve listened to the community and rejected the disinformation campaign by the big bottlers, Coke and Lion and their lobby group VicRecyle.

    Our research into the various types of schemes here in Australia and overseas shows that the chosen ‘’split responsibility’’ model (Coordinator and Network Operators) is best practise.

    It sets up the right allocation of responsibilities so that the system can grow, be accountable, accessible and deliver multiple benefits for decades. It’s based on the NSW approach where there has been very significant involvement of charities and small businesses; billions of drink containers returned; and very accessible refund points.

    We’ve been campaigning for Australia to be entirely covered by container deposit schemes and today’s announcement fully achieves this. In fact Australia is the first continent on the planet to do this. There will be remarkable environmental, employment, recycling and charity benefits.

    Today’s announcement is the result of an incredible community effort with 117 organisations signing our open letter and over 51 000 Victorians signing our petition in support of a split responsibly model.

    A big thank you - this would not have happened without your ongoing support!



    #RecycleRightVictoria #StopBigBeverage #SayYesCDS

    For years our community campaigned for a 10c container deposit scheme (CDS) to clean up Victoria’s parks, streets, waterways and ocean, and finally the Victorian government has confirmed it will be introduced by 2023.

    Now, Victoria has a chance to make a real difference to the environment, recycling and jobs with the future CDS — if the right decision about how the scheme will operate is made. The government is due to decide who will control the CDS, and the four-week consultation period with the public is open until 30 November 2020.


    Say yes to a clean CDS

    The choice is clear.

    Coke and XXXX Gold and Powerade want a CDS in VIC as a "community (producer responsibility) model" which means fewer refund points and depots and less opening hours so they can minimise the number of returns and their cost of having to pay 10c to customers and handling fees to recyclers.

    What we want the VIC Government to do is the "split responsibility model" with a sole focus on recycling that prevents big drink company control, to ensure maximum convenience to achieve the biggest number of beverage containers returned and refunds back to consumers, communities and charities.

    The Victorian government says it prefers a split responsibility model but we know the makers of Coke, XXX and Powerade are fighting for their alternative, less effective model and have big pockets to fund their campaign.

    These companies are some of the world’s biggest plastic polluters, and they campaigned relentlessly against the introduction of a CDS in Victoria. They are campaigning to profit from a scheme they never wanted.  

    Check out a comparison between the two models exposing the misinformation being propagated by Coke and friends. 

    As the last mainland state to implement a CDS, Victoria has a chance to learn from the mistakes and successes of the other states.

    We need to recycle right Victoria. Join us in saying yes to a clean CDS. 

    You can do three things to help - sign the petition to stop big beverage controlling the CDS, endorse our open letter (if you're an organisation or community groups) AND send a message to key MPs.




    The CDS will allow Victorians to swap empty cans and bottles for a 10c refund per container. This kind of recycling initiative is already in place in all other mainland states in Australia. We have reviewed the schemes in Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales to assess their effectiveness.

    Container deposit schemes also provide much-needed fundraising opportunities for thousands of community groups, sporting clubs and charities, through the collection and returning of containers, management of collection points or donation partner opportunities.

    For more information on how a CDS works read our fact sheet below.




    Boomerang Alliance is actively campaigning for Zero Plastic Pollution


    • To transition to a zero-waste society by leveraging strategic opportunities to drive best practice resource efficiency, recovery and recycling.

    • To eliminate unnecessary and problematic single use plastics from use.

    • To cut 70% of Australia’s contribution to plastic pollution entering the oceans (before 2025).


    1. Policies for Action
    2. Plastic Free Places
    3. Cut the Wrap
    4. Cash for Containers
    5. Reusable Containers

    We would not have been able to do all these works without your support. Please consider making a donation so we can continue our fight against plastic pollution.

  • published Recycling and Waste Bill 2020 - Thank You 2020-10-30 14:43:18 +1100

    Thank you for supporting the Waste and Recycling Bill 2020 amendments

    Thank you so much for taking the time to email the key MPs in support of the Waste and Recycling Bill 2020, it will make a difference! Please share with your friends and family, we need as many voices as possible.


  • published Recycling and Waste Bill 2020 in Campaigns 2020-10-30 14:34:16 +1100

    Federal Parliament to vote on waste and plastic pollution law - Act Now!

    This year’s final session of Parliament is voting on a new law to stop the export of waste and enact better product stewardship laws. It's a big opportunity to tackle packaging and single use plastics (*background information below).

    We need your help to make the new law, which will be debated in the Senate on 9 November, effective. A short email (see below) to key MPs could make the difference.



    You can edit the email subject and add/amend the message. Your email will be sent directly to:

    • Hon Trevor Evans MP
    • Mr Josh Wilson MP
    • Senator Peter Whish-Wilson
    • Donald Bundesen
    • Senator Rex Patrick
    • Senator Stirling Griff
    • Senator Jacqui Lambie


  • Submission to Recycling and Waste Bills 2020

    Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to these important bills. They have the potential to bring Australia’s treatment of waste into a new era of recycling and build towards the circular economy. We particularly welcome clause 4 that embeds the precautionary approach in relation to protecting human and environmental health.

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  • South Australia bans single use plastic takeaway items – who’s next?

    With South Australia, the first state to ban key single-use plastic items such as straws, cutlery and beverage stirrers - it’s now urgent other states also move on this plastic pollution, the Boomerang Alliance of 52 groups said today.

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  • Boomerang Alliance Newsletter - September 2020

    September 2020

    As we reported in March the coronavirus has taken a toll on plastic and waste reductions with the waste industry estimating a 20% increase in waste going to landfill, including extra plastics. That also means extra plastic litter in our environments.

    With many cafes refusing BYO coffee cups and concentrating on takeaway-only, the use of disposable plastic packaging also increased. The good news is that things seem to have stabilised now, and one good thing coming from the pandemic is a greater awareness about plastic pollution and the need to continue to change our bad plastic habits.

    Most action on single-use plastics tends to be taken by the States and Territories. To date all States and Territories, bar NSW (and this has been promised) have banned lightweight plastic bags. All States and Territories, bar Victoria and Tasmania (and both are planning to introduce) have a container deposit scheme operating. The Western Australian scheme will formally start on 1 October.

    Tackling plastic bags and container litter and waste was a first step. The next obvious step is dealing with other problem plastics, starting with takeaway plastic products.

    Our Plastic Round Up: What’s been happening around the country in the last few months

    South Australia has now introduced its plastic legislation with the government hoping it will pass through Parliament in September. The bill bans plastic straws, stirrers and cutlery and includes polystyrene cups, bowls, plates and containers. The intention is to have these products banned at the end of 2020.

    Queensland tabled legislation in June to ban plastic straws, stirrers, cutlery, plates and bowls. The government hopes to have the legislation passed before October so that these items are banned by July 2021

    The Australian Capital Territory became the third jurisdiction to act when the government released an exposure draft of legislation to ban plastic stirrers, cutlery and polystyrene cups and containers. The legislation should be tabled in September.

    New South Wales released a public consultation paper on single use plastics in March. Over 15,000 submissions were received. Boomerang Alliance hopes to see similar legislation to the other jurisdictions announced this year.

    Western Australia went through a public consultation on single use plastics in 2019. We are expecting an announcement this year on legislation.

    Victoria is behind other States when it comes to addressing single-use plastics. A plastic bag ban is now in place, with a container deposit scheme set to be introduced in 2022/3. However, there is still no word on other single-use plastics.

    Tasmania acted early on lightweight plastic bags. A container deposit scheme is currently being designed to be introduced in 2022/3. Hobart City has acted to ban certain single use plastics, bit nothing at a State level yet.

    The Northern Territory introduced both a plastic bag ban and was the second jurisdiction to introduce a container deposit scheme, in 2013. We are unaware of any planned policies on other single use plastics yet

    The Boomerang Alliance is directly involved with all these jurisdictions. We want to see all problem single-use plastics either avoided and reduced, reused, composted or recycled.

    You can check out our Zero Plastic Pollution campaign on the website. This outlines our complete agenda on single-use plastics.


    In July, WWF published their second scorecard to gauge progress on single use plastics in Australia.


    SUPtember: is a whole month dedicated to getting rid of Single Use Plastics (bad SUP’s) across Australia, as part of their Zero Plastic Pollution campaign - join in 30 days of actions, ideas and inspiration to tackle this significant part of plastic pollution. Be the change we want to see in the sea!



    One of the big concerns when COVID-19 restrictions were introduced was the likely increase in the amount of single-use packaging being used. Whilst not the only challenge, this included the fact that many cafes were refusing BYO coffee cups, thinking they were less safe than disposables.


    The Boomerang Alliance Plastic Free Places program is now active in Cairns, Townsville, Byron, Adelaide and Perth. We have also completed a number of smaller pilot projects in Elsternwick and Mt Martha.


    In 1999 the plastic packaging recovery rate was 20%, in 2019 it was 16%. Australia has a Product Stewardship Scheme designed to reduce problem wastes. This, and the Packaging Covenant, have proved largely ineffective in dealing with plastic packaging.


    In July the Commonwealth announced a $600m investment in recycling by government and industry. This followed the decision to ban the export of products and materials for ‘recycling’ overseas.


    The Commonwealth Government has just tabled new waste legislation. The Recycling and Waste Reduction Bill 2020 implements the announced ban on waste products for ’recycling’ overseas. Export bans will start in early 2021 with glass, followed by mixed plastics, tyres and paper/cardboard. The Bill also includes new arrangements for product stewardship. A list of products will be drawn up that will require published plans to be acted upon to meet government goals for resource recovery. These are recovering 80% of all wastes by 2030, significantly increasing recycled content in new products and phasing out problematic and unnecessary plastics by 2025.

    Boomerang Alliance has welcomed the export bans but does not believe that resource recovery targets will be met without mandatory targets on performance.    

    We would not have been able to do all these works without our supporters. Please donate so we can continue our fight against plastic pollution.


  • published SUPtember News in Latest News 2020-09-03 17:05:22 +1000

    SUPtember News

    SUPtember: is a whole month dedicated to getting rid of Single Use Plastics (bad SUP’s) across Australia, as part of our Zero Plastic Pollution campaign - join in 30 days of actions, ideas and inspiration to tackle this significant part of plastic pollution. Be the change we want to see in the sea!

    Read more

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