@lisawriley tweeted link to Coffee Cups Survey. 2022-09-07 12:09:05 +1000
Time to make a switch to reusable coffee cups
In the next two years plastic coffee cups and lids will be subjected to new rules across the European Union and the UK. Some countries such as Germany will be introducing laws that all cafes offer or sell reusable cups and lids. Other countries are planning a levy on all disposable cups and lids.
With the exception of Western Australia, very little is happening in this country despite the fact that we use an estimated 1.8 billion disposable coffee cups every year. Hardly any of which are ever recovered or recycled, most get littered or landfilled.
The Boomerang Alliance and our allies are proposing a national policy on coffee cups and lids based upon actions being taken overseas. We want to see plastic coffee cups phased out by 2024, every cafe offering or selling reusable cups and lids AND a levy imposed on all disposable coffee cups and lids. We think this is the incentive we need to make reusable and BYO cups and lids common place.
Read our Position Statement on Single-Use Coffee Cups and Lids.
We would like to know what you think and asked you to complete a short survey on coffee cups. The survey has now been completed and joining forces with the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) and Clean Up Australia, we had 5400 supporters completed the survey. We plan to use the results to persuade our governments to act (at last) to get rid of disposable coffee cup litter and waste.
Take the survey
Lisa Wriley posted about cds vic on Facebook 2017-02-23 11:35:46 +1100Sign the petition: Ask the Victorian Government to push for a world class container deposit scheme
Ask the Victorian Government to implement a world class container deposit scheme
Victoria has now committed to a Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) to start by 2023. It needs to be the best scheme maximising recycling; with great convenience for consumers who want to redeem their 10cents; and a credible governance system.
The Boomerang Alliance has joined forces with Victorian community organisations and groups to push for action. The Victorian government originally was defending inaction on CDS with questionable statistics on litter and recycling rates. We took actions to dispel myths, raise awareness and presented the true cost of inaction.NSWs 'Earn and Return' has collected over 5 billion containers in 36 months and increased recycling rates from 35% to over 70% under its ''split responsibility'' model with the independent Coordinator and Network Operator. This is supported by the Victorian government for the state's CDS.
QLDs 'Containers For Change' which operates under the system favoured by Coca Cola has significant problems with inconvenient refund points; alleged fraud; and lower recycling rates. Nevertheless, Coke and Lion have embarked on a campaign to reverse the government's position because they can make a profit from a poorly performing CDS by keeping consumer refunds.
NOW we need to win the battle for a CDS that works best for consumers and recycling.
Sign this letter to Lily D'Ambrosio thanking her for the CDS and maintaining her government's support for the BEST system.
Sign up to our campaign and join us in clean-ups, media stunts and other actions
Donate to our campaign
A container deposit scheme is based on a refundable deposit able to be redeemed by the consumer or collectors at convenient locations. In other words, people get cash for recycling their containers. There are over 40 such systems around the world including in South Australia, the Northern Territory, the ACT, NSW and Queensland. WA, Tasmania and Vic are planning to follow suit in 2020, 2022 and 2023, respectively.Dear Ms D'Ambrosio,
Thank you for supporting the introduction of a 10 cents refundable deposit on drink bottles and cans in VICTORIA under the split responsibility model.
Victoria is now the LAST state to commit to a container deposit scheme (CDS) but can learn the lessons from other Australian states - and have the best CDS. As your research has shown, the NSW split responsibility model works best and Victoria can adopt its key features for the environment, jobs, convenient access for refunds and charities.
We support you rejecting the weak approach proposed by the big beverage companies, Coke and Lion.
A best practice CDS can help with the recycling crisis, as it produces reliable streams of sorted, uncontaminated materials that are of higher value and can underpin a local recycling industry.
Please keep me in touch with your work on scheme design.
Yours sincerely,
Lisa Wriley posted about Sign The Open Letter: Ban Plastic Bags on Facebook 2015-12-12 21:29:03 +1100I just signed the open letter calling on Environment Ministers to ban single use plastic bags.
Sign The Open Letter: Ban Plastic Bags
In July 2017 Environment Ministers are meeting to discuss what to do about plastic bags.
Tasmania, the ACT, The Northern Territory and South Australia have already banned single use plastic bags and Queensland is introducing a ban in July 2018.
We're making sure when they meet that the NSW, Victorian and WA Ministers know there is huge community support for taking action on plastic bags. We've joined with 49 community and environment groups, representing thousands of members, to write an open letter demanding greater action. Add your name to the open letter today to let the ministers know you support a ban on plastic bags.
There is increasing evidence that even though a small percentage of bags are littered and then broken up into smaller and smaller pieces – they have a devastating impact on the environment. This includes so called ‘biodegradable’ bags, which are just as dangerous in the marine environment.
With the CSIRO Marine Debris Report 2014 estimating there are over 124 billion individual pieces of visible plastic littering the Australian coastline – and a large legacy of plastic from previous years becoming microplastic – action needs to be taken on multiple fronts.
Plastic pollution is a major threat to wildlife. Globally it is estimated that 1 million sea birds and over 100,000 mammals die every year as a result of plastic ingestion or entanglement. Of great concern are the secondary microplastics derived from broken up bags and bottles.
We estimate that some 180 million bags enter the Australian environment every year.
Read the full letter and our policy recommendations here
Thanks to our partners who joined the open letter.
Dear Minister,
Environment ministers have been discussing the issue of removing plastic bags from the litter stream and marine environment for long enough.
Every Australian wants our stunning rivers, oceans and waterways to have a clean and healthy future. Plastic pollution infests waterways, clogging them with plastic bags, packaging and microbeads. In Australia, the CSIRO Marine Debris Report 2014 estimated there are over 124 billion individual pieces of visible plastic littering the Australian coastline.
The tripartisan 2016 Senate Inquiry into Marine Plastic Pollution urged Australian state and federal governments to ban plastic bags and microbeads as a matter of urgency.
Tasmania, the ACT, the Northern Territory and South Australia have already banned single use plastic bags and can improve their legislation to include 'so-called biodegradable' bags which are just as big a problem in the marine environment as conventional plastic bags.
We are calling on Environment Ministers in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia to catch up and take immediate action by banning single use plastic bags (including so-called biodegradable bags).
Plastic pollution is lethal. We need strong action now.
Lisa Wriley posted about Statement of Support: Cash for Containers on Facebook 2016-02-05 20:14:35 +1100My organisation supports the Boomerang Alliance's Cash for Containers model. Please join me!
Will your organisation support Cash For Containers?
Be a part of a broad and diverse coalition fighting for Cash for Containers around Australia.
Hundreds of community groups, charities and non-profit organisations around Australia have already added their name to the Cash for Containers campaign. Sign on today to endorse the Cash for Containers campaign and help make Australia litter free.
Whether you're a local neighbourhood group, major environmental NGO, student organisation, small business or something else, we'd love to have your support.
We support Boomerang Alliance's Cash for Containers model.
A 10-cent refundable container deposit system will slash the amount of litter polluting our parks, streets, rivers and ocean. It will create new jobs in recycling and provide valuable sources of income for charities, community groups and individuals interested in collecting cans and bottles.
Our Cash for Containers model is based on the best examples in the world and has big benefits for the entire community, economy and environment. Read more about our model here and the benefits for your organisation here.
If your organisation is on board, add your name today.
Lisa Wriley published Historic opportunity to ban plastic bags in Australia! 2015-08-12 10:53:15 +1000
Historic opportunity to ban plastic bags in Australia!
So what is happening?
After many years campaigning, a ban on plastic bags is on the agenda at the Environment Ministers meeting on Friday 25 November 2016. It is time for action on plastic bags - once and for all.
Plastic Bag Free groups have been running local actions and collecting thousands of supporters. In 2012 Plastic Bag Free NSW volunteers have collected 12,472 signatures on a petition asking the NSW government to introduce a ban on lightweight plastic bags. On the 4th June 2015 the Plastic Bag Ban petition was presented to Bruce Notley-Smith (Member for Coogee) at NSW Parliament House; and Bruce triggered a parliamentary debate for 13 August 2015. Plastic Bag Free Victoria presented in August 2016, thousands of names to their Parliament and the Vic Greens have lodged a bill to ban the bag and other damaging plastics.
Importantly the Qld government will be issuing a Discussion Paper on a bag ban soon in 2016. We are lobbying for other states to join in.
A July 2015 Omnipoll revealed 63% of Australians (and also grocery buyers) support a ban on single use plastic bags from supermarkets and stores. 81% support the existing ban in South Australia showing public support grows once a ban comes into effect.
We have provided all state and federal environment ministers with the facts and a detailed policy position. While previous states such as SA and NT have banned plastic bags they created a major loophole by allowing so-called biodegradable bags - but these simply break up into small pieces (microplastics) and contain heavy metals. They need to be banned too.
Will our governments act on 25/11/16? Tell them you support a ban on single-use plastic bags.
What can you do?
Encourage your environment minister to support an effective ban, including the greenspin biodegradable ones:
- NSW Environment Minister Mark Speakman ([email protected] or (02) 8574 6390
- Vic Environment Minister, Lily D'ambrosio (lily.d'[email protected]) or (03) 8392 2100
- WA Environment Minister, Albert Jacob ([email protected]) or (08) 6552 5800
- Qld Environment Minister, Steven Miles ([email protected]) or (07) 3719 7330
- Phone or write to your local NSW state MP / local Vic state MP / local WA MP/ local Qld MP - and tell them you support a ban on lightweight plastic bag
- Spread the word.
The Plastic Bag Free NSW coalition has sensibly examined transitional issues and proposed:
A comprehensive education program and structured transitional period.
There can be exceptions on the use of ‘barrier bag’ style plastic bags at relevant retailers as there are issues associated with the sale and transport of perishable foods (e.g. meat, fish)
Sale of plastic bag bin liners may increase (as has occurred in other states with bans) PBFNSW have limited concern about the increase in the sale of plastic bag bin liners as they are highly unlikely to become litter. PBFNSW would support access to reduced cost 100% compostable bin liners and investigation and education about other alternatives.
The ban should extend to takeaway food outlets and smaller retail stores. Research highlights that such stores are a significant source of plastic bag litter as plastic bags are used for a short timeframe and for limited items.
Effective evaluation and monitoring must be implemented alongside the ban with scope to modify and extend the ban if necessary.
The increase in the use of heavy gauge ‘reusable’ plastic bags by retailers must accompany effective recycling programs allowing consumers to thoughtfully dispose of bags at the end of their life.
To know more: read our fact sheet about plastic bags.
People just like you have built the Boomerang Alliance into a powerful force for change.
No matter what your skills we can use them to stop the tide of litter threatening our ecosystems.
Whether you help out in the office, on the street, at community events or from your own home, your efforts will make the difference that could save the environment for future generations to enjoy.
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