July 1, 2022, marks the first day the ban on certain polluting single use plastics in Western Australia is implemented. It means that heavyweight plastics bags, polystyrene food ware, plastic cutlery, straws, cups, plates, and bowls are no longer able to be supplied in the State.
On the first day of Plastic Free July, a world-wide movement that started in Western Australia, it is fitting that Western Australia is now ranked as the leading state in Australia on phasing out problem takeaway single use plastics.
We congratulate the State for this achievement and urge the Government to continue with its plastics reduction agenda. Importantly coffee cups will be banned from the start of 2023.
With Queensland announcing plans for a Reusable Shopping Bag Standard, we encourage the WA Government to collaborate to adopt this standard asap and ensure that all shopping bags available from retailers will be genuinely reusable in the future.