The move by Woolworths to remove its 15c heavier weight bags from its WA stores is the welcome outcome of Western Australia’s advanced Plastic Plan.
We believe the entire retail sector should move quickly to fully embrace reusables. The so-called heavier weight bag was brought in after the ban on lightweight bags – but it was always an unwelcome stop gap as very few were reused more than once or twice. Tens of millions of them ended up in landfill and as litter.
Genuine reusables are the way to go and we are calling for a nationwide standard to be enacted to ensure they are not tarnished by greenwash. The environment really can’t afford another wasteful, superficial effort from the retail sector.
The Boomerang Alliance is developing a detailed policy which we will be presenting to all Environment Ministers and key retail stakeholders. It would cover a minimum number of trips carrying a maximum weight; recycled content; and end of life arrangements. We want a standard to be in force by the end of this year.