NSW Container Deposits historic Decision – a win for the community

Today is a great day! The NSW government has just announced that it will proceed with a genuine container deposit system (CDS). This is an historic win for the community!




This has taken 13 long years of campaigning with almost unanimous support from the community.  Governments have come and gone – but today leadership has been shown. The CDS has had to test itself against rigorous economic and environmental analysis as well as misinformation campaigns – and we have no doubt there will be enormous benefits for NSW.’

The decision has opened the way to a massive and ongoing cleanup of the environment, creation of hundreds of jobs, much more recycling and tens of millions of dollars for charities.  With the right design features, we expect a CDS will provide a $150million p.a. boost to the recycling sector - attracting over $160million in private sector investment to build 600 new recycling collection points across the state.  We also expect other states such as Queensland to seriously consider adopting a CDS and look forward to all states implementing container deposits.’

We welcome the sensible decision to open up control and management of the CDS to an expression of interest process. This will help deliver a world class system covering all glass, plastic, metal and LPB drink containers that will be cost effective, efficient and convenient for consumers.  The community, local councils, retailers, bottlers and the recycling industry deserve the best possible CDS.

A NSW CDS will take major steps towards addressing the failings of past NSW waste policy - it will divert 80% of the glass that is ruining our kerbside recycling; reduce litter volumes by over 45% and eliminate half of the toxic tide of marine plastic pollution that the Senate Inquiry recently described as a looming health crisis.

Now we’re ready to take this critical campaign, and others, national. Join our campaign today and together we will keep pollution out of our streets, our bushlands and our oceans.

Jeff Angel, director and convenor

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  • Reymondo Leon
    commented 2016-05-27 16:52:37 +1000
    Very well done to the boomerang alliance – you all put in so much hard work for the good of the whole nation. Will raise a recyclable drink container to you this weekend.
  • Alex Gribbin
    followed this page 2016-05-10 19:38:05 +1000

Cash For Containers Campaign

We have all seen the litter. It’s hard to miss. Actually every minute no less than 15,000 bottles and cans are littered or landfilled in Australia. This represents more packaging waste per person than many overseas countries. Insane isn't it? Fortunately a simple solution is at hand. It is called Cash for Containers or Container Deposit Scheme (CDS).