The achievement of one billion containers recycled in one year through the NSW Return and Earn container deposit scheme and an almost doubling of the recycling rate, should be convincing evidence for the Victorian and Tasmanian governments to announce support for drink bottle and can refunds, the Boomerang Alliance said today, on releasing a review.
Image Credit: Return and Earn
“The scheme is a tremendous success not only for recycling and litter reduction but for multiple charities earning income, over 500 new jobs and many tens of millions of dollars of private investment. Surely any government concerned about litter of our environment in particular plastic pollution of the oceans; job creation and supporting charities would get behind drink container refunds,” said Jeff Angel, Director of the Boomerang Alliance of 48 groups.
“Our detailed review examines 12 key aspects of the scheme. We all know about the short timeframe it was given to commence and some initial issues, but now it is well on track. We assess governance, financial, impact on kerbside, and consumer behaviour aspects and suggest some improvements to make it an even better scheme.”
“The community backed the campaign by environment groups and now households, business and individuals are wholeheartedly participating. What’s more, those that recycle are not even paying for the cost of the scheme because it is so efficient, with the prices regulator reporting the 10cent refund outweighs the extra cost on a drink.”
“The implementation of container deposits in NSW broke the decade long paralysis of decision making across Australia, with Qld and the ACT now having commenced and WA in 2020. Come on Victoria and Tasmania – join up, protect your environment and create jobs!” Mr Angel said.
Jeff Angel - Director / Convenor - Boomerang Alliance - 0418 273 773