We need to ensure our oceans have a voice!
The next couple of months are critical for increasing political pressure to achieve a ban on plastic bags.
Plastic bags are only used for 12 minutes on average before they are thrown away! Many of them end up in our oceans and have deadly consequences for marine life for hundreds of years. It's time NSW, VIC and WA banned the bag!
We just can't afford to wait any longer and we have all the information we need to justify a ban. Four states have already phased out plastic bags, with QLD joining just recently. The upcoming environment ministers meeting in June 2017 is a key moment to put pressure on the current NSW, VIC & WA Government. The time to act is now!
You have the power to make a positive difference for our oceans and marine life and to engage with a topic you are passionate about. Your contribution would be an important part of our push on plastic bags in the coming weeks.
To help our oceans and make our message be heard add your voice today:
2. Send a letter to your local paper asking for a ban on single use lightweight plastic bags.
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