Boomerang Alliance Newsletter - December 2021

December 2021


Every year brings new challenges, but 2021 brought more than usual with COVID.  Nevertheless, we made some big gains working with our 55 allies and many supporters. 

The big achievements included bringing the 15 year Container Deposit campaign to a close as the two remaining states - Tasmania and Victoria - introduced their CDS laws.  Also most states and the Commonwealth are in the process of banning a first tranche of single use plastic items.  Notably these two moves are regulatory, leading to real progress compared to the voluntary path preferred by industry.

We were fully engaged in the push for a much expanded Australian recycling sector through lobbying of government; participation in top-level forums; and media work to expose tardy practices and inadequate policy responses. 

Our Plastic Free Places program expanded across the nation showing the way for cafes and consumers to switch to avoidance of plastic and reusables. It's great to see the enthusiasm in the community and business.

We can mark 2021 as the year when the first steps to a circular economy were made, but of course there is so much more to do before this fundamental change in how we treat ''waste'' and the environment becomes a reality.

We are very thankful for your support and will keep you in touch with our 2022 campaigns.  Wishing you a relaxing and healthy festive season! 

Jeff Angel


We have a full year of campaign work planned for 2022.  

  • Quick resolution of the second list of banned single-use items. With SA and Qld leading the way - other states will be encouraged to follow suite.
  • Next year will be critical for the work to mandate the 2025 recycling (70%) and recycled content (50%) targets.  If, as some governments appear to wish, we wait till 2024 for a review, these essential targets will just be extended to later in the decade. 
  • it's a big year for the global plastic treaty. We'll be advocating whatever party wins the federal election, that they pursue ambitious goals.
  • As single use bans come into play - greenwash will likely proliferate. A key instrument will be a reusables standard to benchmark existing and new products.
  • Continue to expand Plastic Free Places with millions more plastic items removed from cafe procurement chains.


The Boomerang Alliance is calling for the adoption of nationally-binding standards for reusable, compostable and recyclable types of packaging by the end of 2022.



Our position calls for all carrier bags to be banned from free supply. If a customer has not brought their own bag, they should have to pay for a new one. We do not support voluntary programs by retailers but instead the need for all governments to regulate retail shopping bags.



The Commonwealth Government is seeking nominations for the next round of Product Stewardship Schemes (2022-3). Have your say by adding your name to our statement or take the survey yourself.


Unbelievably it’s that time of year again - where did 2021 go? And what a year for plastic pollution! sing-a-long to our plastic-pollution version of the the famous Christmas song


Working in communities to eliminate single-use takeaway plastic at the source, our program is active in communities across Australia and has eliminated nearly 10 million pieces of single-use plastic!


Exciting news… On Dec 2nd the Victorian Parliament passed a new law to set up drink bottle and can refunds (CDS) to stop the litter and maximise recycling. At last!

It's taken many decades of efforts by many local and state groups and the Boomerang Alliance has been proud to work with them for the last 15 years.

Coke and Lion, through their lobby group VicRecycle ran a cashed up, misleading campaign to reverse the government's chosen approach, but we fought back and the big bottlers were rebutted. Our recommended model ("split responsibility") has been enacted. Victoria will now have a scheme that offers the best pathway to greatly increased recycling (including local processing into new products), preventing the flow of plastic and other containers onto our parks and into the waterways and ocean.

The government has moved quickly to call for expressions of interest from potential operators of the CDS and it should start by mid-2023.

A good end to a difficult year. Many thanks for your support!


We would not have been able to do all these works without our supporters. Please donate so we can continue our fight against plastic pollution.