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Whether you choose to give a few dollars or not, we want you to know how much we appreciate your support and how committed we are to making our future a bright, sustainable one free of plastic pollution.


















Showing 19 reactions

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  • Jill King
    commented 2017-12-14 18:03:21 +1100
    Get on board Premier Gladys Berejeklian, get with the times, and do the right thing by banning plastic bags in NSW
  • Sharon Bowen
    commented 2017-12-08 16:58:18 +1100
    Come on Premier Gladys Berejeklian, be remembered as the Premier who saved our ocens by banning plastic bags in NSW
  • Sjirk Bangma
    commented 2017-03-30 10:47:16 +1100
    The first step towards a change in our addiction to so called “convenient”, but very destructive products.
  • Austin Suk Kim
    commented 2017-03-29 21:01:13 +1100
    Be using own shopping bag, “NO PLASTIC BAG” !!!!
  • Annie Marlow
    commented 2017-03-28 10:01:06 +1100
    Time to ban the bags before they smother us
  • Judy Horsfall
    commented 2016-11-23 09:43:09 +1100
    I love people’s comments on here – we so get how important this is. Cmon leaders – make a move!
  • Judy Horsfall
    commented 2016-11-23 09:41:51 +1100
    Keep up the good work for society and the planet you awesome people :)
  • Dorit Herrmann
    commented 2016-11-18 13:16:45 +1100
    Yes, keep on pushing!
  • Rowen Legge
    commented 2016-11-17 20:10:18 +1100
    The only losers are the petrochemical companies and disposable wrapper manufactures….. everyone else wins
  • Giselle Coates
    commented 2016-11-17 19:39:54 +1100
    This must happen
  • Giselle Coates
    commented 2016-11-17 19:39:52 +1100
    This must happen
  • Bronwyn James
    commented 2016-11-17 17:24:28 +1100
    It’s appalling how little responsibility our government is taking for the state of marine pollution. I hope they finally act with some integrity.
  • Sharon Bowen
    commented 2016-11-13 14:22:42 +1100
    Good on you boomerang alliance
  • Graham Lugsdin
    commented 2016-11-12 13:00:33 +1100
    Let’s make this happen folks!!
  • Joanne Barkworth
    commented 2016-11-11 11:45:04 +1100
    So close, I really hope our politicians will see sense!
  • Patrick Neve
    commented 2016-11-10 18:41:33 +1100
    An opportunity to ban single use plastic bags on the Australian east coast. Please support this.
  • Rachel Grant
    commented 2016-11-10 16:48:24 +1100
    Single use plastic bags are so yesterday! Time to get rid of them for good!
  • Fiona Eakin
    commented 2016-11-10 16:35:15 +1100
    We have a responsibility to those who don’t have a choice. so many beautiful species swim in the oceans, and we clog them with rubbish. It’s time to put a stop to this mindless littering of their environment.
  • Debbie Malone
    commented 2016-11-08 16:50:48 +1100
    I so hope that the ban on single use plastic bag is put through. I recently came back from Hawaii and they have a ban on plastic bags throughout the islands. It is great for the environment, wildlife and it encourages people to use reusable bags. Australia needs to catch up to the rest of the world and start to think more about saving lives than the convenience of using a single use plastic bag.