Tue 1/9
SURVEY: Take our survey! |
Wed 2/9
PLEDGE to say no to plastic shopping bags - take your re-usables |
Thu 3/9
TIP: Make sure your reusable bags are in your car or carry bag if walking and always take more bags than you think you will need. |
Fri 4/9
SUPport your local bag share group - do you have a Boomerang Bag group near you? If not, why not start one! Check out the Boomerang Bag shop to support this awesome Australian community group. |
Sat 5/9
SUP Clean Ups Weekend - Paddle NSW is organising paddle-based clean-ups at various locations across NSW. Visit Paddle NSW website for more information. Need alternative activity/action for non-NSW residents. |
Sun 6/9
VIDEO: Water-based video showing action - Sjirk and family do a clean up - warning: involves nature!! |
Mon 7/9
PLEDGE to say no to plastic straws - take a re-usable if you need one. |
Tue 8/9
Find local suppliers of paper straws (don't be tricked by oxo-degradable plastic straws) |
Wed 9/9
Ask your local school to try alternatives to any of their single use plastic items. |
Thu 10/9
Pick up any SUP litter and post clean plastic straws to your local MP (covid concern??) |
Fri 11/9
Talk to your local cafe or restaurant about SUPs - give them a thank you card or a Make the Change card if they are still using SUPs? |
Sat 12/9
Talk to your local soccer/netball/footy club about SUPs they are using - can you help them find alternatives. |
Sun 13/9
ACTION DAY: Download and use the Litter Stopper app from Beach Patrol. |
Mon 14/9
PLEDGE to say no to takeaway plastic foodware, eg trays and cutlery (especially polystyrene!) |
Tue 15/9
Find local suppliers of paper, sugarcane, and other compostable alternatives to plastic foodware items. |
Wed 16/9
Remember to take your re-usable cutlery when out and about. Not suitable for VIC in lockdown. |
Thu 17/9
Pick up any SUP litter and post clean plastic cutlery to your local MP (covid concern??) |
Fri 18/9
Talk to your local takeaway about SUPs - could they make the switch to compostable items or even better - reusables? I think we should prioritise reusables, ie. could they make the switch to reusables? If not maybe compostable items? |
Sat 19/9
ACTION DAY: Take 3 for the sea! Take 3 pieces (or more!) of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or ... anywhere and you have made a difference. |
Sun 20/9
Mon 21/9
PLEDGE to stop using single use plastic beverage cups (hot/cold). |
Tue 22/9
If you haven't got a re-usable cup it's time to get one! Or dust off the one in your cupboard. |
Wed 23/9
Remember to take your re-usable coffee cups/ milk shake cup/ or refillable bottle when you are out and about. A bit too similar to 22/9? |
Thu 24/9
Pick up any littered coffee cups and lids or other cup rubbish and send a photo to your local State MP eg vie email, facebook or twitter. Tell them where you found it and why we need to phase out SUPs in our State ASAP. Not advisable for VIC supporters in lockdown, need alternative home activity. |
Fri 25/9
Have you cashed in your eligible bottles & cans for a 10c REFUNDS? Find your nearest Return & Earn/ Container Refund depot. If you are in Victoria or Tasmania write to your Environment Minister and encourage them to get a wriggle on... they are both committed (link to Cash for Containers page and list of current Environment Ministers) |
Sat 26/9
Clean up BAD SUPs with a group near you - Try a GOOD SUP! Not advisable for VIC supporters in lockdown, need alternative home activity for them. |
Sun 27/9
ACTION DAY: Cooks River Alliance Family kayaking day to celebrate WORLD RIVERS DAY - 4th Sunday in September. Need alternative activity/action for non-NSW residents and VIC supporters in lockdown. |
Mon 28/9
WORLD RIVERS DAY PLEDGE to look after our waterways by spreading the word about the importance of not using SUPs. |
Tue 29/9
Write to the local paper and your State Environment Minister to tell them what you have done during SUPtember - send a copy to [email protected] so we can include stories and photos in our October newsletter. |
Wed 30/9
QUIZ: xxx |