South Australia, Queensland, Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia
SA, QLD, ACT and WA have all now introduced their first round of single-use plastic bans and should be given a big pat on the back - they are leading the way for all other states and territories. They need to keep up the momentum - review their new rules, fix any loopholes and move onto round two.
Queensland Single-Use Plastic Ban:
South Australia Single-Use Plastic Legislation:
ACT - Plastics Reduction Act:
Western Australia Plan for Plastics:
Here's a suggested message you can send them:
Thank you for introducing laws to phase out some of the bad Single-Use Plastics in our state/territory. I am proud to live in a place tackling a significant source of plastic pollution.
This issue is really important to me because ...................................... (e.g. harm being done to marine life, waste of finite resources, unsightly, plastic pollution legacy for generations to come, we can do better than this).
It is critical that you keep up the momentum in phasing out harmful single-use plastics. Please keep me informed of the next round of Single-Use Plastic phase outs.
New South Wales
NSW Plastics Action Plan:
Here's a suggested message you can send them:
Thank you for taking the first steps to phase out bad Single-Use Plastics in our state. I am proud to live in a place tackling a significant source of plastic pollution.
This issue is really important to me because ...................................... (e.g. harm being done to marine life, waste of finite resources, unsightly, plastic pollution legacy for generations to come, we can do better than this).
Please keep me informed of progress with the legislation and implementation of Single-Use Plastic phase outs.
Victoria, Tasmania and Northern Territory
Meanwhile VIC, TAS and NT governments are still not taking action in phasing out Single Use Plastics and we need your help to send them a message of encouragement! Here's a suggested message you can send them:
It is urgent that your government take steps to phase out bad Single-Use Plastics in our state/ territory. I want to live in a place that is seriously tackling a significant source of plastic pollution. We need to do much better!
This issue is really important to me because ...................................... (e.g. harm being done to marine life, waste of finite resources, unsightly, plastic pollution legacy for generations to come, we can do better than this).
Every day you delay means more plastic in the environment doing harm. When will we have the legislation to phase out Single-Use Plastics in (insert name of state or territory)?
Here is the link to all the Environment Minister's contact email addresses - and links to find your Local State MP's too!
PS. While you're at it, maybe attach a few photos of littered SUPs that you've picked up?