Sydney - Let's go next level sustainable

If your local café carries the environmental torch, but still uses single-use cups (let’s face it, it’s so hard for cafes to ditch the disposable cup when our societal appetite for convenience is at an all-time high), we can help them.

And we’d like YOU to let them know that.

Because cafes listen to their customers!

Our project in Sydney needs 100 cafes who want to make a difference, but don’t know where to start. We’ll work closely with them to supercharge their use of reusables, document their journey, and showcase their achievements.

It’s important because these businesses will be at the forefront of change, helping to shape future directions on single-use in NSW.

And we’d like you to tell them of this great new project. We have a variety of reusable options they can consider, and we'll help them implement these, and measure their results. We'll then promote them so they can inspire the community by what they've achieved.

All the information they (and you) need is at

Or, tag them in one of our Instagram posts @reuseprojectsydney.

Sydney – let’s go next level sustainable!


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