20C Refund Campaign


Many community organisations have benefited from the bottle and can refund scheme, raising many millions of dollars across Australia for charity and other public benefit purposes.  The refunds also help individuals who collect and return used drink containers, to cope with cost of living pressures.  

Imagine doubling the refund to 20c and the even greater benefits that will result! 

It would also increase the rate of community participation in the scheme, growing recycling and reducing litter, especially plastic pollution – combating erosion of the current 10cent incentive.   

Recent investigations have recognised that we need to increase the refund to ensure our container refund schemes not only maintain return rates, but grow them, to be more successful.  Did you know that the current national recovery rate is about 65%?  This is low by international standards and Australia can do much better.  We still litter and landfill over 4 billion drink bottles and cans, every year.

The Boomerang Alliance of 55 national, state and local environment NGOs campaigned for many years to get state and territory governments to introduce the refunds.  We have been discussing raising the refund with governments and while there is a recognition that it is an important measure – they still need to be convinced to act. We also expect the big drinks companies to oppose this move (just as they did to initially stop any refunds being introduced).

More detailed information on the proposal and benefits can be found here.

You can take action!

  • Contact your local state MP 
  • Ask your community, sporting or charity group to contact your local state MP and Environment Minister
  • Urge the members of your group, friends and family to ring or write to your local state MP

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