WA jumps into the Container Deposit pool

Fantastic news today!

We are welcoming the State Government’s announcement and the Opposition’s support for a Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) in Western Australia. It is a much needed measure for litter reduction, wildlife protection and recycling.




The fact is that beverage containers represent a large part of all litter in volume and items. It wastes resources and is a major contributor to dangerous plastic pollution of the environment.

A ten cent refund for drink containers is a proven scheme and will slash litter rates, increase recycling across the state, create hundreds of jobs in collection and re-processing and provide a financial boost to community organisations interested in collecting can and bottles.

It will also be essential that scheme administration is independent and can be trusted by all parts of the supply chain and the public.

With NSW and Qld set to introduce cash for containers schemes, this decision puts Australia well on the way to national coverage. While state legislation is the best way to go – there will need to be a coordinating structure so that states can agree on key parameters and when any changes are made to, for example, the refund amount and included containers.

Many local groups and thousands of people in metro and regional Western Australia have campaigned for a CDS for many years. It’s a decision that will be warmly welcomed across the state.

Jeff Angel

Convenor and Director, Boomerang Alliance


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  • Rosd Headifen
    commented 2016-08-19 18:34:55 +1000
    Great work WA. A much needed scheme over there too. We look forwards to your foresight spreading to Victoria who looks like it will be the last state to admit this is a much needed scheme and the needs of the environment and the people are bigger than a few corporations. Ross BeachPatrol Australia