Will your organisation support the most effective CDS model?
UPDATE: 14 April 2021
GREAT NEWS: Victoria announces ‘Split Responsibility Model’ Container Deposit Scheme
We did it!!!
We are thrilled to inform you that the Victorian government has today confirmed their choice of a “split responsibility” Container Deposit Scheme.
They’ve listened to the community and rejected the disinformation campaign by the big bottlers, Coke and Lion and their lobby group VicRecyle.
Our research into the various types of schemes here in Australia and overseas shows that the chosen ‘’split responsibility’’ model (Coordinator and Network Operators) is best practise.
It sets up the right allocation of responsibilities so that the system can grow, be accountable, accessible and deliver multiple benefits for decades. It’s based on the NSW approach where there has been very significant involvement of charities and small businesses; billions of drink containers returned; and very accessible refund points.
We’ve been campaigning for Australia to be entirely covered by container deposit schemes and today’s announcement fully achieves this. In fact Australia is the first continent on the planet to do this. There will be remarkable environmental, employment, recycling and charity benefits.
Today’s announcement is the result of an incredible community effort with 117 organisations signing our open letter and over 51 000 Victorians signing our petition in support of a split responsibly model.
A big thank you - this would not have happened without your ongoing support!
Hundreds of community groups, charities and non profit organisations around Victoria have added their name to the 'Cash for Containers' campaign and were instrumental in obtaining our Government's commitment to introducing a Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) in 2023.
The Victorian Government is now deciding on the CDS model – a crucial step that will determine how effective our CDS will be. We must choose a model that minimises litter and maximises benefits for Victoria.
Sign on today to endorse the most effective CDS model and help make Victoria litter free.
Based on global best practice and lessons learned in other states, we are pushing for a 'split responsibility model'. This model has benefits for the entire community, economy and environment. Read more about our preferred model and its advantages and download the fact sheet.
Whether you are a local community group, a student organisation, a school, a major environmental NGO, a small business, sporting club or any other group, we need your support to ensure an effective CDS.
We have drafted the following open letter. Adding your 'signature' is easy! Simply fill in the endorsement form on the right to let us know you want a best practice model. You are also welcome to submit your logo on the form.
Not part of any organisation? You can still support us and join 50,000 other Victorians by signing our Change.org petition.
*Note - Your organisation's name and logo will only be displayed on materials associated with this open letter and not be used for other purposes without prior consent. By signing the endorsement, you agree to receive future campaign updates from Boomerang Alliance.
We, the undersigned, urge you to implement a best practice Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) model that will successfully address Victoria's waste and litter problem. Specifically, we support that this is designed along the lines of the proposed 'Split Responsibility CDS Model'.
Victoria will be the last state to introduce a CDS. This puts Victoria in an enviable position to be able to learn from others and choose best practice. The split responsibility model has proven to be the most effective in growing recycling and slashing the amount of container litter polluting parks, streets, rivers and oceans.
Split models have also proven to provide maximum convenience and equal access for community members, create more jobs in recycling and provide valuable sources of income for charities, community groups and individuals interested in collecting cans and bottles.
Once established, new infrastructure and management is hard to change, so it’s best to get the fundamentals right at the start.
Over 50,000 Victorians have already signed the petition opposing CDS management by large beverage companies.
Our organisations are joining the Victorian community in supporting the adoption of an effective split responsibility model.
Letter to Environment Ministers
Dear Environment Minister,
There has rarely been a more important meeting of environment ministers when it comes to waste and recycling.
Read more
Last State to introduce Cash for Containers?
Container Deposit Schemes (CDS) operate or are about to be introduced in most States and Territories in Australia. South Australia has had a scheme in place since 1977, and only two states, Victoria and Tasmania, are yet to introduce a scheme. With Victoria losing the China market for its contaminated recyclate and needing to consider a CDS which produces clean material - will Tasmania be the last State to act?
Read moreThe bumpy road to container deposit in NSW
The NSW Container Deposit Scheme (Return and Earn) started on 1 December. It’s the first modern scheme in Australia (there are older systems in South Australia over 40 years ago and the NT in 2012). Not surprisingly there are implementation issues we are learning about fast – lessons Qld and WA which are also introducing schemes are watching closely.
It was a hard fought and long battle to get the CDS up with the vast majority of the community confronting the beverage industry. Even when Premier Mike Baird announced an election commitment in early 2015, the Advisory Committee set up soon after had to debate for a year whether we should have a deposit scheme because the Premier’s media release said the government would consider ‘better alternatives’. There were none especially on environmental grounds as CDSs around the world are proven to massively reduce bottle and can litter. And a recent benefit cost study by the EPA found a benefit of $1.33 for every $1 of cost.
Read moreBreaking: Vic might consider a ban on plastic bags
The Victorian Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio announced last week that Victoria might consider a ban on light-weight plastic bags, saying: "We believe that a national ban is the most effective way to address the issue but we have not ruled out going it alone."
Read more
Will your organisation support Cash For Containers?
Be a part of a broad and diverse coalition fighting for Cash for Containers in Victoria.
Hundreds of community groups, charities and non-profit organisations around Australia added their name to the Cash for Containers campaign and were instrumental in our success in NSW, Queensland and WA. Now it is Victoria's turn - sign on today to endorse the Cash for Containers campaign in Victoria and help make Australia litter free.
Our Cash for Containers model is based on the best examples in the world and has benefits for the entire community, economy and environment. Read more about our model here and the benefits for your organisation here.
Whether you’re a local neighbourhood group, a major environmental NGO, a student organisation, school, small business or any other type of group, we’d love your support. If you are not part of any organisation, you can still support us by signing up here.
Letter of support
A 10-cent refundable container deposit scheme (cash for containers) will slash the amount of litter polluting our parks, streets, rivers and oceans. It will create jobs in recycling and provide valuable sources of income for charities, community groups and individuals interested in collecting cans and bottles.
We demand that Victoria acts now and adopts a container deposit scheme in line with what NSW started in December 2017, Queensland in November 2018 and which will commence in Western Australia early 2020. The time to act is NOW!
Welcome improvement to NSW CDS rollout
We are welcoming the change to the start date of the NSW Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) to the 1st of December 2017 as good policy and congratulated the government on listening to the many requests for more time to rollout a better serviced scheme.
Campaign update: 3 months to win Cash for Containers
Can you help us win this once and for all?
Yes, I’ll chip in a small donation to help beat Coke and get Cash for Containers.
Will your organisation support Cash For Containers?
Be a part of a broad and diverse coalition fighting for Cash for Containers around Australia.
Hundreds of community groups, charities and non-profit organisations around Australia have already added their name to the Cash for Containers campaign. Sign on today to endorse the Cash for Containers campaign and help make Australia litter free.
Whether you're a local neighbourhood group, major environmental NGO, student organisation, small business or something else, we'd love to have your support.
We support Boomerang Alliance's Cash for Containers model.
A 10-cent refundable container deposit system will slash the amount of litter polluting our parks, streets, rivers and ocean. It will create new jobs in recycling and provide valuable sources of income for charities, community groups and individuals interested in collecting cans and bottles.
Our Cash for Containers model is based on the best examples in the world and has big benefits for the entire community, economy and environment. Read more about our model here and the benefits for your organisation here.
If your organisation is on board, add your name today.
Container Deposit Campaign Launch on Sunshine and Gold Coasts
In the last two months our campaign for a Cash for Containers scheme in Queensland has gone out to the regions, with much fanfare. Our key supporters, Surfrider Foundation, in particular, has picked up the mantle and made a big noise. With Surfider running the show, we have launched the campaign and our Queensland Plastic Pollution Report.
Read more