Example of a letter for the Premier of NSW



You can contact Mike Baird by email or send him a letter.


The Hon. Mike Baird, MP

Premier of NSW

GPO Box 5341




Dear Premier Baird,

Your announcement that the NSW government would introduce a Container Deposit System (CDS) in NSW in July 2017, is most welcome. For too long we have had the problem of littered drink containers in our streets, parks and ocean; as well as wasted resources.

I am concerned however to hear that the beverage industry is trying to replace a CDS with a plan that will only target a small amount of the bottles and cans that are currently not recycled.

It is critical that the NSW Container Deposit System is comprehensive and nothing short of a genuine world best practise system. This would mean that the vast majority of the drink containers are recycled. It would also create many significant opportunities for charities, schools and local sporting groups to earn much needed income. It’s a far better system than that being proposed by the beverage industry.

Our environment and community deserve this.

Please tell me you will give NSW an effective Container Deposit System.

Yours sincerely,



Address (including postcode)


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